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Lawn and Landscape


Fertilization Services, Champlin, MN

Spring is almost over, and summer is right around the corner. This means that your lawn which was flourishing with colors and greenery is about to face some serious existential challenges. But we know what can keep your lawn from turning yellow. The right amount of fertilization. At Lindsay’s Lawn and Landscape, we understand home landscape and backyards like no other professional would. This is why, we are here to help you understand everything about fertilizer and how it can help you in the upkeep of your lawn.

Types of Fertilization

If someone asks you what fertilization really is, all you need to tell them that it is food for the plants. The soil on which your grass grows, or the plants grow has nutrients that enable the growth in the first place. Over time, the soil will get depleted, and these nutrients will get used up. Fertilizers help build up these nutrients back into the soil by microbial action. We have listed below the different types of fertilizers you can ask from professionals like us:

  • Liquid fertilizer – Mostly we assume the fertilizer to be granular or in the form of soil however, liquid fertilizers also exist to impart ease of application and where immediate absorption is warranted.

Is There A Particular Time For Fertilization?

To be honest, this is the perfect time to fertilize the garden or lawn whichever be the case for you. We recommend fertilization when you are in between spring, and summer and the growth phase of your plants has just begun. Nothing feels better than sprinkling some good nutrition around from your plants and greens. If you do have some compost that you have prepared yourself, it is best to use it now. However, we recommend seeking our professional help before you start embedding those pellets in the ground because:

  • There is no one size fits all policy when it comes to the amount of nutrition to your plants.
  • More is not always good for your plants be it soil, water, or fertilizer.
  • Chemical components require extra care and attention while handling.
  • The right tools are never around in the house unless you are a professional gardener yourself.
  • Professionals will always know what, when and how of fertilizers rather than Google.

Lawn Fertilization Services

Three simple words – Hire professional services. You might think it is an easy job to fertilize my lawn or you might have an opinion that DIY is the most beneficial way of taking care of the lawn however, we have witnessed many backyard gardens and lawns in shambles, just because the homeowners wanted to save a few bucks.

Fertilization, like any other garden and lawn service, is a technical and complex endeavor and we at Lindsay’s Lawn and Landscape understand it better than all our competition. Not only do we have expert gardeners to take care of all your woes, but we also offer the most competitive rates in town to take care of your financial worries too. If you are in the need to get your lawn fixed or want your landscape to be taken care of, just give us a call on 612-437-3437 and we will be happy to assist you in the best way possible.

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