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Lawn and Landscape

Landscape Design

Landscape Design, Champlin, MN

Gone are the days when landscape design mostly referred to gardening and greenscaping alone. For sure, greenery still constitutes an integral part of the landscape in a residential or commercial property. However, several other components of landscaping such as hardscape and waterscape are starting to gain prominence too. Together, these help to create a beautiful landscape that is unique and alluring in design.

If you fancy such an alluring patch of greenery around your home, you will essentially require professional services. This is where we, at Lindsay's Lawn and Landscape, can help you out. We are one of the leading landscape solutions providers in Champlin and have earned significant repute for our quality services.

How Would Our Services Benefit You?

The perks of hiring professional landscape design services are great. While nothing is wrong with DIY landscaping, you would always enjoy various benefits from hiring professional services.

  • Creativity: The first and foremost aspect of landscape architecture and design is creativity. You would want something unique, something that would make your property stand out from the rest. Our team possesses experience that gathered over a long period of time. Having completed numerous projects already, they can come up with creative solutions for your garden.
  • Personalization: We understand that all our clients have their personal tastes. Our own preferences may or may not match theirs. To ensure customer satisfaction, we offer highly tailored services. Before taking up a landscaping project, our team would spend time discussing your requirements with you. Thus, you may share any garden design ideas that you may have.
  • Maintenance: Any individual who owns a beautiful garden would want it to thrive well. The beauty of a garden is lost if the plants aren’t healthy or unwanted weeds start to grow. Apart from designing landscaped gardens, we also carry out maintenances. With our landscape maintenance services, your garden would remain impeccable throughout the year.
  • Diversity: The comprehensiveness of our backyard design services helps us deliver diverse landscaping masterpieces. Apart from planting beautiful plants and grass beds in the best locations, we also carry out the installation of ponds, gazebos, walkways, etc.

When you hire us for landscape designing, you may stay assured that your prized gardens are in good hands. Using their sophisticated equipment and valuable experience, our team would help to make your dream of owning a grand landscaped garden a reality.

What do Landscape Design Services Cover?

As the term ‘landscape design’ suggests, it mostly involves the designing of a landscaped area. We offer an amazing range of services that result in unique and beautiful landscape designs.

  • Flower bed installations
  • Lighting installations
  • Grass bed installation
  • Pruning
  • Weeding
  • Installation of Pathways
  • Plant bed maintenance
  • Mulching

Indeed, such a diverse range of services would help you enjoy the beauty of a landscaped garden to the fullest. We also offer expert maintenance services that would keep your garden the way it should all year-round. To avail of our personalized landscape design services, call Lindsay's Lawn and Landscape at 612-437-3437 and schedule an appointment. Our team would get to work at the soonest.

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