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Lawn and Landscape


Mole Removal Services, Champlin, MN

You have set up a beautiful garden and lawn in your backyard and are proud every time you look at the vibrant and lush setup. However, you can’t help but notice some raised ridges here and there which were not present some time back. At Lindsay’s Lawn and Landscapes, we have seen enough to tell you that those ridges are nothing but entry and exit points for moles. Yes, you read that right, your beautiful landscape now houses some of the peskiest pests that don’t just destroy gardens and lawns but also prevent any further growth. But there is nothing to worry about because we understand how to get rid of them efficiently.

What Are Moles and What Can They Do?

Think of a mole as a rat’s brother, however, it is not a rodent. It may look like a rat but does not belong to its family. It is grey in color, has rounded feet and claws in it. Things about these creatures that should make you worry:

  • One mole can have three to four babies at a time. If you do not seek professional help, then the infestation can grow really fast.
  • They dig tunnels in the ground, completely destroying your beautiful landscape.
  • Uproot plants and even small trees in a very short time
  • Eat away your kitchen garden before you even know it
  • Spread diseases around your pets which can in-turn harm your kids

If the above things about mole give you jitters, don’t worry as our team can help you deal with them.

How Do Moles Create Tunnels and What Is Harmful About It?

Remember the claws we told you about? These creatures use their claws to drive out the soil in front of them and dig holes fast. A mole can dig a hole while you are trying to catch it and be gone before you even reach it, that fast. If left unchecked, moles create havoc in the lawn. The tunnels they dig run deep into the ground and make it hollow. Your ground might break, the plants won’t find ground to dig their roots into, moles are known to feed on roots which will eventually kill all the vegetation in the area. Last but not the least, the mounds around their holes make it an eyesore to look at a space that once was a blooming and vibrant garden.

How Can We Help You With Your Mole Problem?

Here are a few ways in which we can help you out:

  • We can identify tunnels in the ground for you and how deep they actually run
  • We can catch the moles for you, exterminate them and then dispose them too
  • We can keep the grass trimmed for you so it is easier to spot new burrows
  • We can identify potential spots and future infestations for you

It is always best to have professional help when dealing with your garden or lawn, especially if it is infested by pests like moles. At Lindsay’s Lawn and Landscapes, we have the right tools, the right experts and the right traps/poisons to exterminate the creatures from your garden once and for all. In case you have any queries regarding the lawn maintenance or if you have recently spotted the first mole in your own backyard, it is time to give us a call at 612-437-3437 and we will take care of all your woes.

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